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My Goal 💫

My Goal My Ambition
"Being an obgyn."
That's what I would say if anyone ask what I wanna be. 
And lots of them responsed that way. And I would say because it is my dream. Actually, it is not my childhood dream because I did't know what I want to be. But since I heard a story from my teacher in junior high school, I started to get interest in obgyn. 

As the time goes, I start to realize that I love helping people, I like when they're smile and happy moreover if it's because of me. Then I know you guys will response, "But we can help people in vary ways, then why it has to be a doctor, furthermore an obgyn?" Because I think this is my passion. I like biology subject in the class, especially about human's body. Like, it is fascinating to know how God made our body with its respective functions, how each of them works, to how they got failure. But a doctor, has the ability to get over and even recover it. And I think it's amazing!

As for the obgyn, it would be an honor to helps other women through their precious moment in a lifetime. and not only about giving birth, but also helping women out there who have their "feminine" problems. Moreover in the past, obgyns were mostly male. Meanwhile for some women, it is uncomfortable if the obgyn is male. Because of those, I convinced myself to be a female obstitricians who can help my allied.

So now, what left me to do is how can I achieve my dream?

Honestly guys, there's no other answer than study hard and pray hard. Because of that I study hard since the beginning of the school. I also participated in quite a number of medical contests, even though I've never won yet, but I'm happy to get lots of knowledge, and also I'm working to win at least once, hopefully.

But unfortunately this semester, my grades went down, maybe because at home, I became lazy and really like to procrastinate work, maybe it also happened because I became demotivated because I didn't understand the material. But on top of whatever is that, I start to have a princip that let's not waste time in regret things u know then just move on and think about what we can do to be better. Because everyone has their each pace so it's okay to not always be on top, because actually you can also learn a lot from the bottom 😉

Also for me, whenever I'm feeling down, I will remember my own achievement to convince myself that I can actually do it, that I'm worth it. One of my biggest achievement is actually got into SMAN 3 Bandung.   Because I really felt the struggle to get in here. From getting serious about studying in junior high school for 3 years, taking 2 lessons almost every day, until I went all the way to the Bapusipda just to study together with my friends. Because in my opinion, going into this school brings me one step closer to my dream. From its environment, its friends, until its teachers that I believe can support me to achieve my dreams. 

Last thing to say, let's together fight for our dream, no matter who u are, believe it we can achieve it if we make every effort, hardwork, want to struggle, until one day we can be proud of ourself. So let's fight together! ✊


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